Сайт обманывает как мужчин так и девушек
Когда мне было 29 тогда решила стать клиенткой сайта.Мой отзыв:за десять лет потраченного на сайте времени мне посчастливилось встретить только хорошего друга.Что он мне поведал о сайте и о мужчинах: что мужчины так глупы,что легко внушаемы и собственного мнение отсутствует напрочь.Диктатура “Еленысмоделз”такова,что нужно писать всем девушкам,и,соответственно,не прекращать оплачивать членство на сайте.При том при всем,что до поступления в педагогический ВУЗ была моделью.Сегодня мне 39 и мы оформляем визу невесты во Флориду с мужчиной,которого нашла на сайте и еще, мой рост 170 кг при массе тела 58 кг.На момент регистрации в Еленазмоделз знала два иностранных языка : английский и немецкий.Так как училась в лицее иностранных языков.И лично сама никому не рекомендую этот сайт для знакомств- пустая трата времени
Hi everyone,
I read some comments here about Elenas Models, although a few good ones, also plenty bad ones, enough to raise alarms on any one. Just also keep this in mind, anyone can write reviews, including site owners, friends and associates. I have in myself in the past written reviews online for a friend of mine. The only difference is my friend had a genuine business, a restaurant with opened doors to the public and was not skimming anyone out of their money.
I joined recently EM like many of you in hope of finding someone for a relation. But let me tell you the real truth about this Site. This is NO different than other Scam sites. EM writes lots of nice Blogs about how other Agencies are dishonest and the techniques they use, but that is only to deflect attention and make us believe actually after all they are honest. Must be, if they point out all dishonesty about others, why not. They may not use a PPL (per pay letter) system, but that does not mean they are not trying to milk you for your money. They just do in another way. Many of the Ladies profiles on EM are Fake, I can say with assurance. EM point out finger at other agencies saying they employ women to correspond to foreigners. And while it is true EM does the same. At EM, like other Scam agencies, once you get your profile active you will start getting lots of Likes and women sending you letters. This is just one of the many techniques to lure you into buying a membership. Once you buy your Membership (any type), this supposed women that were so quickly interested in you, quickly loose out their interest, and even disappear. Some they try to be more convincing than others, but the Alarm Flags are the same on all the profiles, in all this same type of Agencies. Yes it is a Shocking Truth, but EM as well as most of the known Dating Web Sites pays women just to model, so they can build fakes profiles with photos of this models, they also pay women just to correspond with men. These Agencies also pay men to correspond with you. Actually anyone who can write in good English, and you can easily find this online. So you can never be sure whos on the other side. Works for well Scammers as they can create loads of attractive profiles, and works for the women, or men, who can have an extra income writing from home, as normally in countries like Ukraine, Russia, and other former CIS countries wages are quite low, this is good way of getting money. Go online and Google the words (Marriage Agency translation work), but do it in Russian (Брачное агентство переводов работа), or do similar other searches and you will see the Shocking truth. Not all, but some Adverts even go as far as putting their Agency name openly and what are they employing for. Others wont advertise their name, but they are ALL doing it!
I live in Britain and came across with at least one of this paid woman here, clearly working for EM. Russian speaking people are everywhere, and this can be a remote home based job, to write to suckers like us. I wrote to a Russian woman, according to her profile living near my city, or maybe not, God knows. She expressed interest immediately, so because I was interested in her I paid for a membership. This is the only to get to write to the woman you like, you have to spend money. An that is the all idea behind, to Milk you. I wrote her, and almost immediately after the moment I wrote, only writing back a one line message, she disappeared. And dont be fooled, even if you get a contact mobile number for the person on profile, like I did, it is only to deflect attention and seems more credible. That is the length this scammers go to seem real. The women I mentioned she even gave me a UK mobile number, but then she never answered, or replied my Texts. The same with her Skype. She even gave me a Skype address. Now you would wonder why someone who does not ever intend to answer and Texts calls or Skype would give you their number and Skype? It is to seem like the women profiles are real. These women do this for a living. They create fake emails, which you will never ever get any reply. They create fake Skype accounts, which you will never ever get them to answer or switch on their video, even most likely because they are not as on the photos. They go to lengths to make you into believing the profiles are real. Many on the profiles on EM are also dormant, and will stay dormant, and that is because they are not real. The only way to get in touch with such women is to buy the most expensive Membership to allow you get her contact. But you will never a reply because most likely the contact is not real but a fabricated one. And trust me ,I am quite good looking and all of this I have tested again and again in zillions web sites. There is a common pattern in all of them.
EM and other Scam Agencies advertise and pay this women, men as well, to lure you into spending their money, only after you to see NO relation, meeting, Skype video call , etc, will ever materialise. And although I have not been on EM for that long, I have been for years and years in Loads, and I mean Loads of different Dating Web Sites. I have been to Ukraine many times, used to be married to one. I know all this Scams, there is nothing new. My Ex Ukrainian Wife one time went for a job interview in Ukraine, only to find although she would be paid money was not so much of what we in the West call a Job. She was offered to correspond with Sucker Foreigners by one of the many dodgy agencies. As shes honest enough she declined.The Alert Flags I have seen in most of other online Dating sites, some well known for being Scams others not so well, are the same in EM as well. I would not for a second spend a penny more on this CONS!! And where there is easy money to be made, the changes of being Conned just increase.
EM says on their Web Page The Most Trusted Dating Agency. But where did they get this from??? It is a very Big and Bold Statement, but they are the ones who write themselves. They also write on their Web Site, 1000s of successful relationships, but again, on their web site there are only about 100 reviews of supposedly successful relations, there are no 1000s, anywhere Online, and still these reviews were written and posted by the site Administrators. These are not independent reviews posted by the people themselves. Most of the Online Dating Agencies all of them announce themselves as trusted anti-scam, bla blab la. So what is new with EM??
I have also done some deeper search and this is what I found so far:
EM says they have offices around the world, where the hack are this offices?? When I asked EM Help Desk for their office addresses, they gave me 2 addresses, which are the ones they post online. One in US (382 NE 191st, St # 51099 Miami, FL 33179-3899, USA), other in Australia (Suite 328, 15 Albert Ave, Broadbeach, QLD 4218, Australia). These are NO Office addresses, these are PO Boxes both of them, and the phone numbers are not even real. The US phone number (1 (213) 784-1044) is Voip Number from a company called Vail Lab in Los Angeles. And although the office is in Miami the phone number is from LA. But as it is a Voip connection this can be anywhere, even in China, so how come this is from an office in US? The Australian number is from a third party company, They say this is the Head office address in Australia, but the Head Office is no more than a Mail Box, with a virtual phone number no one ever answers. The Web site is registered under the name ELENA GOLD, located in a server from the organisation CloudFlare in California, San Francisco, USA.
Again the Web site is registered and linked to another different PObox based in Sanctuary Cove, Queensland, Australia. The business hides under numerous PO Boxes, in the states and other countries. It is registered with the name EM Holding Company PTY Ltd, in Australia, where they say to be the Head Office. On the surface it is a web of PO Boxes, phone numbers which are no more then Voip connections and hardly any names. But digging in further I found the Business Holder and Director is a guy called GERRAD DARRIN FIELD, born in Wellington, New Zealand. I also found GERRAD on some sites replying to people reviews as an Elenas Models Rep. GERRAD IS NO REP!! Is a Top man, TOP SCAMMER!! GERRAD is living the life, at his nice Villa with a nice swimming pool and a Pier for his boat, at 22 EXCALIBUR COURT, PARADISE POINT QLD 4216, AUSTRALIA, while us idiots are expected to provide for his life style.My investigation is still ongoing, just because I had enough of this $#*!s and Scammers. They prey on people. These Web Sites are able to scam decent normal guys of Thousands, millions, only because they prey on people Hopes, Vulnerabilities and desires.
I want to alert everyone. This Site, like 99% of the online sites are SCAM! All the red flags are there.I have no affiliation to anyone so I am here to help all of us. If you want to find a genuine decent Ukrainain/ Russian/ Eastern European woman as much as you may feel tempted to believe and buy into this sites DO NOT. Save your money. 99% of the Online Sites a Scam, and the likelihood you will ever meet even any REAL woman are very slim, if to say none. I have been in using many of this so called Agencies for years. I have done my homework. Like other guys, I have even been conned into meetings arranged via some online agencies. I went to meetings in Ukraine. The women they are all interested in you, then at the meeting they do not give a Toss about you your life, and even there many cases online where women are saying complete rubbish about you to the translator….
To read a full review go to sitejabber
STAY AWAY OF ELENAS MODELS!!!Night Rider about Elenasmodels
awfull attitude to clients
Was a client of this site for about 2 years, after they renewed the site it worked badly, but okay. Final thing was when they asked me to send my passport to confirm I’m real woman – I think no normal person will send passport in the internet to anyone.
I refused to do that, so they closed my account. Guess they are not interested in clients at all. Or if you are not man, but woman & you dont’ pay – than they do whatever they want.
Better will use other sites, which respect their clients.
Marina about Elenasmodels
Elena’s Models Protects Scammers
Elena’s Models used to be a good site, but in my experience they do not remove the profile of scammers even after they are reported with proof. I submitted evidence on Skype of a lady asking money for rent, but all they did was warn her. My conclusion is that they actually protect scammers these days.
I’m not sure in their reality
Not very convenient site, but still you can try. On the other side, many girls are registered here and you cannot be sure regarding full absence of scams
whats is the different from
I am not a new one at the internet, I’ve been using the net for many years. I would like to say that buying Chinese food online is ok, but the other thing is to searching true love through the net.
Here is my story. Once I decided to try online dating services and opened my account. Previously I saw a few couples who met each other online and are happily married for many years. Hundreds, no, there are thousands of different girls who are supposedly looking for a partner. Most of them are from eastern Europe, Russia and Ukraine. So I tried to start relations with the Ukrainian girl, I used to know Russian girl before and we were absolutely different people, but it does not matter.
Of course it was very fun to me to communicate with different girls online everyday. Moreover all of them were very pretty and appeared in their best every time. Firstly I had fun with until I realized that I have to move further and choose the only one with who I should start building close relations. Indeed all of them are welcoming and sweet, but when I started talking about her visit to my native country, I received a very quick negative response. So, girl tells you how good you are, how handsome you are and she adores you so much but she refuses from visiting you.Sorry, but what…..??? I received a reply from the staff, I have been told that first personal meeting should be held in Ukraine, because agency follows some international rules. Ok then, maybe they are right, but why girl did not explain anything? Eventually I said to my girl that I am about to visit her in Ukraine. She was very glad and it was really unexpected news for her. We were planning a lot of things to do in Ukraine, visit a few cities and many other interesting places together.
When we started negotiate the exact dates of my arriving, girl was busy all the time and all the days. We did not manage to find the exact dates. Afterwards we both decided to change dates of my trip and once again, we could not find the exact dates because it was too much time and she didn’t know her future plans.
I became so tired of this ambiguousness and irresponsibility, eventually I have left the All want to say, if you managed to find someone online – it is great! If you managed to find someone around – it is also great. Maybe I am not the lucky one with online dating, but I know one thing exactly – I will never return to these stupid sites which are full of bad actors and phoney people.
i have been on this site for a very long time close to 1 year now. most of the women on here are not looking for anything at all ABSOLUTLEY NOTHING!! period i know this for a fact all they do is come to view your profile but never ever chose to communicate an will move on to ignore you id consider myself a slighty above average looking guy who is clean an has good hygene an works out 5 days a week but thats not enough on here dont waste your time or money these women do nothin but set online view pics an ignore the person viewing there profile knowing the Truth the company chooses the men to whom they communicate with

I read some comments here about Elenas Models, although a few good ones, also plenty bad ones, enough to raise alarms on any one. Just also keep this in mind, anyone can write reviews, including site owners, friends and associates. I have in myself in the past written reviews online for a friend of mine. The only difference is my friend had a genuine business, a restaurant with opened doors to the public and was not skimming anyone out of their money.
I joined recently EM like many of you in hope of finding someone for a relation. But let me tell you the real truth about this Site. This is NO different than other Scam sites. EM writes lots of nice Blogs about how other Agencies are dishonest and the techniques they use, but that is only to deflect attention and make us believe actually after all they are honest. Must be, if they point out all dishonesty about others, why not. They may not use a PPL (per pay letter) system, but that does not mean they are not trying to milk you for your money. They just do in another way. Many of the Ladies profiles on EM are Fake, I can say with assurance. EM point out finger at other agencies saying they employ women to correspond to foreigners. And while it is true EM does the same. At EM, like other Scam agencies, once you get your profile active you will start getting lots of Likes and women sending you letters. This is just one of the many techniques to lure you into buying a membership. Once you buy your Membership (any type), this supposed women that were so quickly interested in you, quickly loose out their interest, and even disappear. Some they try to be more convincing than others, but the Alarm Flags are the same on all the profiles, in all this same type of Agencies. Yes it is a Shocking Truth, but EM as well as most of the known Dating Web Sites pays women just to model, so they can build fakes profiles with photos of this models, they also pay women just to correspond with men. They also pay men to correspond with you. Actually anyone who can write in good English, and you can easily find this online. So you can never be sure whos on the other side. Works for well Scammers as they can create loads of attractive profiles, and works for the women, or men, who can have an extra income writing from home. And has normally in countries like Ukraine, Russia, and other former CIS countries wages are quite low, this is good way of getting money. Go online and Google the words (Marriage Agency translation work), but do it in Russian (Брачное агентство переводов работа), or do similar other searches and you will see the Shocking truth. Not all, but some Adverts even go as far as putting their Agency name openly and what are they employing for. Others wont advertise their name, but they are ALL doing it!
I live in Britain and came across with at least one of this paid woman here. Russian speaking people are everywhere, and this can be a remote home based job, to write to suckers like us. I wrote to a Russian woman, according to her profile living near my city, or maybe not, God knows. She expressed interest immediately, so because I was interested in her I paid for a membership. This is the only to get to write to her. I wrote her, and almost immediately after the moment I wrote, she disappeared. And dont be fooled, even if you get a contact mobile number for the person on profile, like I did, it is only to deflect attention and seems more credible. That is the length this scammers go to seem real. The women I mentioned she even gave me a UK mobile number, but then she never answered, or replied my Texts. The same with her Skype. She even gave me a Skype address. Now you would wonder why someone who does not ever intend to answer and Texts calls or Skype would give you their number and Skype? It is to seem like the women profiles are real. These women do this for a living. They create fake emails, which you will never ever get any reply. They create fake Skype accounts, which you will never ever get them to answer or switch on their video, even most likely because they are not as on the photos. They go to lengths to make you into believing the profiles are real. EM and other Scam Agencies advertise and pay this women, men as well, to lure you into spending their money, only after you to see NO relation, meeting, Skype video call , etc, will ever materialise. And although I have not been on EM for that long, I have been for years and years in Loads, and I mean Loads of different Dating Web Sites. I have been to Ukraine many times, used to be married to one. I know all this Scams, there is nothing new. My Ex Ukrainian Wife one time went for a job interview in Ukraine, only to find although she would be paid money was not so much of what we in the West call a Job. She was offered to correspond with Sucker Foreigners by one of the many dodgy agencies. As shes honest enough she declined.
The Alert Flags I have seen in most of other online Dating sites, some well known for being Scams others not so well, are the same in EM as well. I would not for a second spend a penny more on this CONS!! And where there is easy money to be made, the changes of being Conned just increase.EM says on their Web Page The Most Trusted Dating Agency. But where did they get this from??? It is a very Big and Bold Statement, but they are the ones who write themselves. They also write on their Web Site, 1000s of successful relationships, but again, on their web site there are only about 100 reviews of supposedly successful relations, there are no 1000s, and still this reviews were written and posted by the site Administrators. These are not independent reviews posted by the people themselves. Most of the Online Dating Agencies all of them announce themselves as trusted anti-scam, bla blab la. So what is new with EM?? I have also done some deeper search and this is what I found. EM says they have offices around the world, where the hack are this offices?? When I asked EM Help Desk for their office addresses, they gave me 2 addresses, which are the ones they post online. One in US (382 NE 191st, St # 51099 Miami, FL 33179-3899, USA), other in Australia (Suite 328, 15 Albert Ave, Broadbeach, QLD 4218, Australia). These are NO Office addresses, these are PO Boxes both of them, and the phone numbers are not even real. The US phone number (1 (213) 784-1044) is Voip Number from a company called Vail Lab in Los Angeles. And although the office is in Miami the phone number is from LA. But as it is a Voip connection this can be anywhere, even in China, so how come this is from an office in US? The Australian number is from a third party company, this is their web site ( They say this is the Head office address in Australia, but the Head Office is no more than a Mail Box, with a virtual phone number no one ever answers. The Web site is registered under the name ELENA GOLD, located in a server from the organisation CloudFlare in California, San Francisco, USA. The Web site is registered and linked to another different PObox based in Sanctuary Cove, Queensland, Australia. The business hides under numerous PO Boxes, in the states and other countries. It is registered with the name EM Holding Company PTY Ltd, in Australia, where they say to be the Head Office. On the surface it is a web of PO Boxes, phone numbers which are no more then Voip connections and hardly any names. But digging in further I found the Business Holder and Director is a guy called GERRAD DARRIN FIELD, born in Wellington, New Zealand. I also found GERRAD on some sites replying to people reviews as an Elenas Models Rep. GERRAD IS NO REP!! Is a Top man, TOP SCAMMER!! GERRAD is living the life, at his nice Villa with a nice swimming pool and a Pier for his boat, at .. ……… ….., PARADISE POINT QLD 4216, AUSTRALIA, while us idiots are expected to provide for his life style.
My investigation is still ongoing, just because I had enough of this $#*!s and Scammers. They prey on people. These Web Sites are able to scam decent normal guys of Thousands, millions, only because they prey on people Hopes, Vulnerabilities and desires.
I want to alert everyone. This Site, like 99% of the online sites are SCAM! All the red flags are there.I have no affiliations to anyone so I am here to help all of us. If you want to find a genuine decent Ukrainain/ Russian/ Eastern European woman as much as you may feel tempted to believe and buy into this sites DO NOT. Save your money. 99% of the Online Sites a Scam, and the likelihood you will ever meet even any REAL woman are very slim, if to say none. I have been in using many of this so called Agencies for years. I have done my homework. Like other guys, I have even been conned into meetings arranged via some online agencies. I went to meetings in Ukraine. The women they are all interested in you, then at the meeting they do not give a Toss about you, your life, and even there many cases online where women are saying complete rubbish about you to the translator. Unless you understand Russian, you wont even have a clue the crap they say about you. These Agencies are working together with the girls, the meetings are no more than just to get guys money. The translator at the meeting will get paid, but so do the girls as they get commission.
There are still a very few Honest Agencies out there, but this very few are the ones who have real offices, where you can walk in, have a proper real customer support.
I have been in these Kind of sites for years, and as a rule I would suggest the following:
DO NOT engage with ANY Online Agencies who do not have a real photo number (not a Voip connection, or a phone in another part of the world where nobody answers) and real physical offices where you can walk in as well ( Not a Po Box, Suite, etc. All the same). Do your search, if not feel free to contact me for advice. Many wont even have an address or phone number, All they will offer you is an Online Contact Form. This Sites are an IMMEDIATE RED FLAG AND A NO GO ZONE! Saying this many will also try to present themselves as honest, will have some sort of address and phone number, does not mean it is an honest agency. Most of the times it is not the case. It may seem extreme and harsh but is the truth. Most of the Scam is coming from CIS countries, mainly Ukraine, Russia, and also Africa and other Asian countries. All of these web sites advertise as genuine (who wouldnt?) many of them they are not even based in the countries they advertise the women from. Whether in China, Cyprus and Malta very commonly, they are also based in American servers ( AS EM) and around the world, but NEVER in the country they advertise women from. I suppose is easier for TAX avoidance and persecution purposes to have a Web of PO Boxes in numerous countries, no names linked, and Web sites based in servers in far overseas countries.If you are determined to find a genuine nice girl from Ukraine, Russia, or other CIS countries you will never find on EM on similar kind of sites. Some agencies based in Ukraine, Russia and others ( and I am independent so prefer not to mention names) have offices where you can walk and although I have not used them some seem pretty reliable. Yes they come across as expensive if to compare with EM and many of other sites. But you if you consider that most online Agencies you will be continuously paying, and paying, whether a PPL system, or a membership such as EM, where they use and pay women to write to you with no real outcome ever, it will only end more expensive for you, with the difference it will never lead to anything. No PPL Agencies ever, NO memberships from EM or any Agency whos hiding their identity behind a web of lies. Any Honest company around the world will want to promote their good name and bee seen out there, not to hide. At least in most civilised countries that is.
Or as an alternative, book yourself a nice trip to one of these countries, maybe with a friend to make more interesting and easier for you, and you find will loads of beautiful normal honest women out there on the streets. But these women you will never meet in EM or similar sites, because they wont take part is such activities.EM calls themselves as an Agency, a businessthis is NO Agency, No business. It is a well organised front for CyberCrime,
Check this Site I found, just comes along into what I said.
( )If you would like any advice you are most welcome to write me:
Tip for consumers: STAY AWAY!!
a lot of players and scammers… bad service and help desk is not helpful…
would not recommend to use
I have been a member of Elenas Models 4 months. I am 43 years old and good looking. Here is what I have experienced.
You will receive EOI and mails from many beautiful women on EM. Their messages will usually be very short, for example, “Hi how are you doing. Would like to know you better.” Most will give you a Skype ID so you can chat with them, but as soon as you ask for a cam to cam meeting you will not hear from them anymore. I think they are payed by EM to contact you, so that you can use your 50 contact and have to pay more again to continue to contact more women. The worst of these fake profiles are usually those women who are in the top 100, and those who have bikini pictures on their profile.
There is also scammers on EM. I have been contacted by a handful of them. They are out to collect information about you to use for identity theft or some other fraudulent scam. Do not give your information to anyone on EM before you have met cam to cam in Skype. Ask for a meeting right away when they ask for your information and you will see that they disappear.
There is certainly real women on EM. I have met one of them on a date. But it is average women that you can find in Internet Dating in your own country, so it is not necessary to spend lots of money to travel to another country to meet such women.
So guys, save your money and time. EM is full of fake profiles.
Update 12-19-2015: I have now completed my six months membership at Elenas Models. I wrote my first review after 4 months of membership, and I can only say that the last two months have not changed my views on this site. Waste of money and time, and lots of fake profiles. I will never be back to this site.
I created a profile on an Asian dating site and found my special lady in less than two months 🙂 It only cost me $45 a month and I could write to all the women I would like to.
Here is what you will experience You will correspond with many beautiful women on EM. Some will even video chat with you on Skype. But after a short time they will become disinterested in you even if they were messaging you 50 times a day just the day before they start slowly fading away. Their messages get further and further apart and they stop writing. Some messages I even traced to the country of Benin which is right next to Nigeria! They are likely plants that are payed by EM to string you along. SAVE YOUR MONEY guys and leave EM alone! – Another red flag to watch out for: Two of the three women that I did video chat with made inappropriate comments to me. One used the “N” word and another told me that “size matters”. Now I realize that they are from a different country and culture but I am very well traveled and I have never experienced anyone saying things like these women did. In my opinion, after they chat with you and string you along for a while they say sometime offensive to try to get you to make it easy on them so that you stop calling them. Caveat Emptor
Elena’s Models is fools gold.
There are plenty of good looking women on that site but you won’t meet any of them. Just take a look at the testimonials. The women who men actually do meet are very average looking, far from the caliber of beauties advertised on that site. I’m not in any way putting down those women down at all, just an observation.A lot of those good looking women are scammers or “plants” by Elena. You write to them for a while and then the correspondence bogs down to boring uninteresting details about the weather or some cultural thing that happens to be going on in their country at the time. The correspondence is no longer about a relationship or meeting in person or anything like that. So what happens is that I stop writing and they stop writing. Elena got her money and I got nothing. The old saying if it’s too good to be true it probably is, definitely applies to Elena’s Models.
Elena’s Models used to be a good site, but in my experience they do not remove the profile of scammers even after they are reported with proof. I submitted evidence on Skype of a lady asking money for rent, but all they did was warn her. My conclusion is that they actually protect scammers these days.
“Terrible site”
Over 80 percent of women are scammers and the site does nothing about it…
“Last week my account’s password was changed for no…”
Last week my account’s password was changed for no reason and nobody bother to notify me either.
This week when I try to log into my account, it simply says “You have no permission to login.Please contact admin.” I then contacted the customer service, and haven’t receive any reply.
For your information, I haven’t change the content of my profile, I never violate any of their rules, and there’s absolutely no virus on my computer!
How can anybody trust a dating website/company like this???
Elena Petrova also known as Elena Solomon and Elena Gold may try to bury the truth but Truth has a tendency to resurrect itself back up again and here is the truth about issues that are part of her system and her sites like this one called Elena’s Models which will now be revealed where three reports are presented here about this site:
A. Billing Issues:
Reported By: SingleMan on the russian woman discussion forum
Topic: Elena’s Models Credit Card Scam
Here is a warning…once you give Elena’s Models credit card information for a period of membership you never get to quit. I have repeatedly tried to get them to stop billing my credit card and now have complaints against them to the processor and police. Beware. Girls are pretty but management is terrible and won’t resolve customer service problems
B. Technical Issues With Her Sites and Non-responsive Customer Service Issues:
Reported by Hanz from CA, USA from the site no1reviews
They denied my access after i created my account, i was about to pay the membership fee. And all the sudden they have logged me out and was unable to log in again. I contacted them but no response.
Reported by: Smileyfaceguitarist on no1reviews in giving their comments on a review about Elenas Models created by Elena Petrova of course
1. People who defend these race-related issues always like to use the country as an excuse for this website being the way it is and it is DELIBERATELY INTENTIONAL from Elena’s Models!
If it is therefore not deliberately intentional then let us ask who were the ones that put such a characteristic in the profiles? The answer is the administrators of the site and since Elena Petrova is “head” owner/administrator of the site then she is the one who is also to be held accountable for this to be so!
2. The reviewer (referring to the reviewer who had made his comments earlier on no1reviews) is speaking about the profile race components and the profile arrangement with race in it-NOT about the ladies on the site but how the site is arranged with racial texture added on to it with its profiles…
3. Usually it mostly is the men who are the “Elenas Models worshippers” who try to soften the truth about this reality on the website and its racial misgivings and mistakes in terms of the one race prominence that is clearly seen that Elena Petrova and the admin are clearly responsible for.
To prove this if one goes on the site called “DailyMotion” and sees the “testimonial” video on the site there is one race prominently seen there as if just all “testimonials” come from one race which is not true.
Also if one goes on the site which is Elena Petrova’s affiliate website you also see one race prominence showcased in its testimonial “evidence’ that is on this the Australian version of Elena’s Models!
4. Because of how the profiles are set up then here is what has happened which is the “lack of major successes” with nonwhite men on the site…
5. It communicates the wrong interpretation that these women only want just one race and that is NOT always necessarily the case because it gives the impression to the nonwhite men that these ladies are nonaccessible.
No wonder that there is little success with these nonwhite males because they may have interest in a beautiful lady but now feel BANNED from approaching her because they see she accepts one race.
A facility setup by Elena Petrova and her admin that nonetheless BANs nonwhite men from wonderful women they may have thought would have made their lives richer but now they feel forbidden to even contact!
What Elena Petrova and her site interprets is not always the best and it is they who are to be held accountable for this BAN on nonwhite males from accessing many wonderful women who may have added much to their life!
I will end with an example as a nonwhite male! I went on a free site and contacted an English speaking Ukrainian lady who wrote on her profile that she only wanted Caucasian men but I still out of curiosity wrote to her anyway.
To my surprise she responded and now we have an ongoing dialogue.
So what she wrote was not the same as to who she was in person and I am saying the same thing and that is if we eliminate the race factor we stop seeing people (in this case nonwhite men) based on race and start dealing with people as just that people once more again!
Elena Petrova can do all the hiding she wants to but Truth about her ways and all of her sites and systems practices like that of Elena’s Models has now been revealed!