You know, this is my first time I’m gonna to convert my experience into the review.
Actually, you ask me why I’m doing this and my exact answer is my inherent interest into things that are controversial.
Indeed Uadreams seemed like that to me.
Really, the internet gives hundreds of reputable dating agencies as well as scam dating or marriage agencies. And is one of the biggest structures I’ve ever seen in Ukraine. Besides these guys can be proud of loyal fans and embarrassed haters they have obtained during 10 years.
So if you search for Ukrainian woman or may be Russian woman, UaDreams will offer you their base of hundreds of single ladies and of course one of them is a lady of your dreams.
I like their marketing position and indeed we need to find out if these guys really do so much to assist you with looking for your soulmate.
Uadreams Review
Product Quality 4 / 5
Ease of Use 4.2 / 5
Effectiveness 4 / 5
Value for Money 3.5 / 5
I wonder how often appear scam complains and all that shit about UaDreams?
Definitely I have no idea about that as there were hundreds of complains about this matchmaking agency however I am surprised to see lots of testimonials about couples who finally found their love via Uadreams. So as we can see, we have satisfied and unsatisfied people.
These are two opposite views that turns the question into seriously disputable one.
Haters explain embarrassing spamming from agency side and fans loves to prove by facts of their happy membership on the website.
For example, one guy is fully satisfied with chatting with webcam, and he compares the pricing with other Ukrainian agencies, this was his conscious choice to stay here. And there is no doubt for him about scam attempts or all that stuff.
But lately I’ve read one report about a man who tried services and understood that girls here are not so honest as they are described by the bright website picture and promoted company of the dating agency.
If you are in a hurry to register, stop immediately as I didn’t tell you the whole story yet.
Still there are guys who are convinced they had conversations with ladies on Uadreams seemed to be fake. And you know what, it also seems like ladies here are to be employed regularly to work on Uadreams to trick men from all around the world.
Actually, I’ve pointed dozens of reports out about scams in Ukraine and some particular approaches scammers use for their fraudulent schemes.
But again I see truthful images with happy faces of European man and Ukrainian woman (yet I can see the difference in their appearance) pursuing their love dream.
Sure they have met with the help of
Check if you doubt: this is the way to find the truth.
You face with a dilemma what to believe in.
In spite of multiple reviews, positive and negative you can be afraid of crooks and their ingenuity to represent scams under the cover of reputable agency.
However we see real good results with details and satisfied people.
So what you should do if you want to know what is right?
Go and try by yourself only.
- You sign up
- You observe the website and study navigation
- Analyze pricing and calculate your start communication properly
- Use video chat option to find out if girls are real
So Uadreams have fake women or real women?
I must confess that all of them look marvelous, amazing.
Pictures are photoshopped and are made by professional staff, but it’s ok with that. Millions of agencies do the same or even steal photos from other sites. But here you may see beautiful faces of real women while chatting with them via webcam.
Have a look and you will believe me. This is how Ukrainian women do. Are they real or are they scams?
So are they real? Those ones with model look and all? Yes, they are.
Probably without make up, early in the morning having a video chat with you they cannot be so outstanding but they are really beautiful, like the way you imagined.
And I must admit all women I saw on Uadreams were real. Besides you can shell out all your free time to study all the information about your sweetheart from her profile. This agency did their best job to decorate profile with dozens of pictures, introduction video, some family background and what exactly she does in her leisure time, she will describe her goals and intentions, her character in details with pros and cons, she will enjoy telling about one regular day of her life, abilities and entertainment. Moreover she will explain what man she is looking for.
Can this confirm that is the place to find your other half?
Indeed there is one phrase denoting the truth: if the fact is too good to be true, supposedly this is not true.
Is my case to be revealed with Uadreams?
Maybe, as they seem to be very good.
Let me refer to last bright testimonials they post on website pages, which grow in favour of many foreigners.
Moreover I’ve seen some videos of men who agreed to speak on a camera to confess about their doubts and fears, the truth about Ukraine what they’ve seen in this country and the level of services. Other men showed their trip photos alone and with ladies or just left grateful messages. To my surprise I’ve seen some pictures of happy couples, from wedding and with children, people shared their happy common life. That seemed to me realistic.
One cannot accept this dating agency to be a scam.
High pricing is not a scam indicator.
Indeed I thought hardly about why many people think Uadreams can be a scam agency. Such a reputable agency cannot demean within a few scam tricks for some hundreds of dollars! I can see no sense here. But lately I came to a conclusion that these guys make things covered.
And I cannot call them trustworthy.
Well, the main reason is high prices and people accept expensive services for sending letters ridiculous.
Gifts are overpriced!
That made lots of things unnecessary, but they keep that on the website.
They charge people even for letter decoration!
However we cannot assume that being a scam policy. They charge the same money as they indicate openly. No dollar more. So this is not a scam, you see? Even you are angry for the high cost of one letter like $7 this is your problem, but this is not a scam.
And Uadreams are confident in their prices, they go straight with absolutely transparent policy. My small advice for those who like to complain: right before signing up read carefully the cost of all services you might love to use. Thus you will avoid misunderstanding and disappointment.
You should feel the difference between marriage agency and dating website, I consider UaDreams to be marriage agency.
Probably this is the first time I’m trying to review marriage agency as before I was interested in dating ones only. But you have to know that this is a big deal with that difference. Dating site is definitely not a marriage agency. Remember,
UaDreams Marriage Agency ≠ Dating Site
And site like UkraineDate is completely different with their aims as UaDreams.
Indeed I like to set up my trip and all plans by my own. So in this case I don’t like Uadreams offer to choose one of their premium packages. Of course I understand that all inclusive variants is better than searching the cheaper options and put them together in one your visit, however, for me this is worth for. But may be you are different and you like to pay and to do nothing then. So this variant is for you.
Besides what usually Uadreams offer for your safety:
- they verify girls documents and personality before registering them on the website
- they translate each your letter and girl’s reply as well
- they send you one of their staff to meet you at the airport
- they prepare interpreter for meeting with the girl
Signing up for free.
The website is well designed so while registering you obtain multiple services, they are above in the menu bar.
You are able to choose sending emails, watching videos or even sending and composing videos, video chatting, video conference holding, phone calls and photo shooting booking, even flowers delivery makes sense f your girls has a birthday for example.
I cannot say that all that staff sale from their gift shop is necessary. I believe many women like to lure men to come to that shop and to buy some unnecessary jewelry or lingerie or anything to keep the website rate. But that’s my point of view only. Never mind.
What I am going to say is here the website is not a scam, and even among all services you cannot find some suspicious thing you need to worry. You register for free. This is the man point and no one is pushing you to buy services. You may try first as there is no membership cost (monthly fee or half-a-year fee) or subscription cost as many other agencies have.
You are charged in case you choose to stay on the website and use services constantly. But they offer services for free if:
- you try video chat with your girl, you will get 5 min
- you look through all photos and introduction video in girl’s profile for free as well
- you send one first letter to one girl but this is a daily opportunity only and you cannot send such letters to the same girl, only one first letter and only to a different girl
I mean that if you like the reply and if you want to keep the contact with this girls for example, then you have to purchase email credit for 6,99 dollars. If you did not like, you may send introduction letter to another girl again for free.
One thing astonished me: letter decoration is non-free, haha! This is awesome, guys. We live in digital era and we have to pay for roses and letter background, well.. it’s up to you)
What you don’t need to pay on Uadreams.
I know that there are too many services I’ve never used in my life and sometimes I forget that I shouldn’t compare my attitude to someone’s. But still I cannot understand why should I pay for a makeup for your girls, for letter decoration, for photoshooting, sending photos to print. Oh, people! This is completely unnecessary. We have all data on our computers and gadgets, there is no necessity to pay for that disturbing options.
What you need to pay on Uadreams.
Email Credits. They are not expensive for me, $6,99 per letter and you pay less if you buy a package. They offer good discounts in case you send 5 or 100 letters as well. Keep in mind that you have free option of introduction letter if you write to each new girl.
I need to underline that you will not get charged if the girl you sent a letter does not want to get in touch with you. This is good and fair position. I believe you appreciate that thing.
As a rule I got a response in a 24 hours, they indicate within 1-3 days.
Video Chat. To my mind this service should be pointed out as the most useful. Even some emails cannot be so effective than several minutes of video chat. I like that Uadreams gives such opportunity and the program is user-friendly for computer and apps to download. Very easy.
The website shows when a lady is able to be online, just click on her profile. You may invite her or send a message to support center and they will arrange a meeting for you via video chat. Actually this is my favourite option as webcam works perfect and we can see each other, we can type, few seconds I need to wait for a simultaneous translation to a lady and for a reply to me.
Telephone Contact. This is not you think about. They do not give the phone contact of the lady you like I mean they do not let you to buy it. This is the service when you buy some minutes to speak to her by the phone, to hear her voice. But your conversation is to be arranged by the agency, so they are the third party.
English Course for your girl. I do not see any particular sense in this option really as they offer something really expensive for the shortest period of time. Is that possible to study English and to speak fluently with me without any interpreter? I don’t think so. About $200 per month. WOW!
Well, I used video chat and I must admit that it is completely legit. The program goes right if you follow the settings instruction. I did not have any technical issues with that.
My disappointment.
We were chatting very good. When I ask my girl to wave or to smile she did all that. So I was sure that was not a record. But when I asked her to give me a personal contact she refused.
Seems like she was forced to keep silence. Probably this is the main point if Uadreams keep both sides together on the website as long as it possible.
Anyway about all that staff you can read here, this is their antiscam policy.
Probably they are afraid of those guys who promise to come and never come or like they explain they exclude cases of quitting to another private communicative platform. As n that case they are not able to control anything.
Very often girls extract money from men when the dialogue starts via personal contacts. But when on the website – they never do that. I mean I was asked for nothing, no financial help and no computer to be broken.
Antiscam tips.
You know what surprised me most? Their fair suggestion about any possible scam or fraud issues. They explained that they invented mush into their safety platform however members themselves can be open for scammers. And I pointed some useful tips about:
- “Please report scam concerns to our support team”
- “Sending any sum of money is strictly prohibited”
Besides they advise to initiate personal meeting with an interlocutor, thus you are able to uncover any scammer.
In general I liked what they said. And I understand their market position due to multiple virtual crimes. Still I cannot understand one thing: they do not allow any possible contact exchange, skype name or social network contacts, anything. Right before personal meeting in the agency, in the office, in Ukraine.
Sounds like members cannot be convinced in their actions and thoughts. And third party is the only one controlling center who allows what to do and what not to do.
My advice to you, guys, be opened to people. People want to trust and to be sincere who is sincere to them.
UaDreams Pros.
- Free registration
- All women on the website are real
- Agency is completely sincere about pricing
Uadreams Cons.
- some useless services
- online shop is a robbery
- communication is only inside the agency
Do not join
- if you do like paying flat fee for membership
- if you are searching for playing games and vacation romance
- if you do not like to spend money for online dating
Do join
- if you like trip packages instead of arranging everything by yourself
- if your intention is to find your soulmate and you are ready to pay for that any sum of money
- if you are ready to communicate through the website and you do not know how long that would be
What I recommend.
Test your membership anywhere you want to spend your time there. There is no proper advice how to avoid scam or a fraud. But here you are able to do some tests for free.
I enjoyed video chat, I spoke to real girls. I did not like some overpriced services.
My Last Word.
One side is bright and I see that girls on Uadreams are not fake, they create real profiles with different vivid information as well as photos and videos.
Besides I enjoyed talking to them via video chat. However the dark side was my surprise about exchanging contact information with a girl even if you buy services to talk to her. By the way, I still cannot understand why their gift shop is so expensive. One gift cost totally as two ones I’ve chosen somewhere else. So it’s up to you what you like most.
Good luck to you, man!