Elena’s Models Review From Pseudo “honest” User was found

Recently I found a review about Elenas Models in my archives. However, this article is not simple.

Why? I can make 2 suggestions. Either some Marc wanted to earn money on Elena’s Models 🙂 His site doesn’t exist any more, perhaps a “big scams-heavyweight” put a crimp into his work. I guess that the heart of the matter lies in Elena’s Models’ conditions that this agency dictates on online dating market:

  • Your website should have its own traffic source, and not attempt to highjack traffic for the keywords “Elenas Models” or “ElenasModels.com”.

  • You are not allowed to use our registered trademark in your URL or mega tags.

  • If you have a genuine, independent review website that publishes users feedback, you cannot be a member of Elena’s Models partner program or receive affiliate payouts.

  • Except for Elena’s Models supplied banners, photo billboards, and links, any use of out registered trademark should be approved by us in writing.

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3 Locations of Elena’s Models have been banned by reason of scams

Elena’s Models is a dating website from Eastern Europe, today they closed 3 locations, Ukraine included by the reason of scams deeply creeped into the agency. Thus agency does not register profiles from Kharkiv, Zaporizhia and Odessa cities.

Elena Petrova, founder of Elenasmodels.com complained that the only thing to blame in this situation is a virus that penetrated through pay chat of PPL (pay per letter) sites of related range.

If profiles come to Elenasmodels.com from those areas male members are used to be lure for PPL site after some messages, just proposed in case they want to keep the contact. Such cases happened so many times that Elena’s Models are forced to ban three cities to stop getting profiles from: Kharkiv, Zaporizhia and Odessa.

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Money from Americans. How it makes on Elenasmodels.com

Elenasmodels Cooperation.

The agency Elena’s Models announces the official set of regional representatives.

Payment – commission.
Our official representative can be a private person, as well as already existing dating agency.

We are interested in representatives who:

  • understand the Online Dating mechanism and have a positive attitude to marriages with foreigners, like to work with people who have the patience and good communication skills,
  • speak in English at a conversational level (if this is an agency, the staff of employees must be the translator)
  • have a computer (PC), and Internet access,
  • have an office or a presentable “home office”
  • will be able to locally promote our agency (Elena’s Models ) in the media and on the Internet,
  • register interested women on our website (Elena’s Models ) and to provide information and technical support (we will pay for each registered user’s profile)
  • provide information and technical support to women who live in your city / region and registered on the site itself;
  • to deliver gifts and flowers;
  • can professionally organize / coordinate trips, tours for foreigners, may act as a guide,
  • have an idea of visa, booking tickets and accommodation in local hotels,
  • have a good reputation, high work ethic, reliable and punctual.

Continue reading “Money from Americans. How it makes on Elenasmodels.com”

An outrageous story about dating scam in Ukraine

… And one more thing, Elena’s Models keeps billing you every three months unless you stop it. More money down the drain.

Actually I refer my post to the article in Reddit but deleted in a little while about one male member of a dating site searching for Ukrainian woman to marry – Elenasmodels.com.

This subject is strictly devoted to anyone involved in getting acquainted with online date but constrained with conversation on this topic. I’d like to talk about freely so for you my sobre story about meeting a woman of Ukraine/Russia.

I’d start from the very beginning when I gave some hundreds of international money to one of the most popular matchmaker for love assistance in my dating proceeding. Anyway I had my wonderful hope to find my partner for life.

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Shady Side of Elena’s Models Agency

Still there is a problem for each foreign man to find the proper website to be a member of and what I am supposed to do is to get the point specifically with my advices to each man who wants to date but safely.

If we distinguish the most famous one from all websites of the Eastern Europe, I’d like to speak about Elena’s Models. What I came across for is that in spite its legitimate position still we face with something beyond the scene. If you surf the internet to find any info, probably most of all you will see whole package of positive reviews as I think to be posted by high quality managers. And of course, on the contrary the same thing is about negative facts. But I am here to denote what is truthful in this inspiring story.

Let me base on some issues I’ve found about specific issues happened with male members recently on Elena’s Models. I’ve became a member as well just to compare with other websites I’ve been in – you know this is not prohibited nowadays as to communicate with more than one girl. All of you can surely guess.

Continue reading “Shady Side of Elena’s Models Agency”



Сайт обманывает как мужчин так и девушек

Когда мне было 29 тогда решила стать клиенткой сайта.Мой отзыв:за десять лет потраченного на сайте времени мне посчастливилось встретить только хорошего друга.Что он мне поведал о сайте и о мужчинах: что мужчины так глупы,что легко внушаемы и собственного мнение отсутствует напрочь.Диктатура “Еленысмоделз”такова,что нужно писать всем девушкам,и,соответственно,не прекращать оплачивать членство на сайте.При том при всем,что до поступления в педагогический ВУЗ была моделью.Сегодня мне 39 и мы оформляем визу невесты во Флориду с мужчиной,которого нашла на сайтеeharmony.com и еще, мой рост 170 кг при массе тела 58 кг.На момент регистрации в Еленазмоделз знала два иностранных языка : английский и немецкий.Так как училась в лицее иностранных языков.И лично сама никому не рекомендую этот сайт для знакомств- пустая трата времени
Natalia Sorokina

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