Recently I found a review about Elenas Models in my archives. However, this article is not simple.
Why? I can make 2 suggestions. Either some Marc wanted to earn money on Elena’s Models 🙂 His site doesn’t exist any more, perhaps a “big scams-heavyweight” put a crimp into his work. I guess that the heart of the matter lies in Elena’s Models’ conditions that this agency dictates on online dating market:
Your website should have its own traffic source, and not attempt to highjack traffic for the keywords “Elenas Models” or “”.
You are not allowed to use our registered trademark in your URL or mega tags.
If you have a genuine, independent review website that publishes users feedback, you cannot be a member of Elena’s Models partner program or receive affiliate payouts.
Except for Elena’s Models supplied banners, photo billboards, and links, any use of out registered trademark should be approved by us in writing.
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