A real face of Russian Cupid

Recently I found a review about Elenas Models from disappeared site in the Internet. Actually I showed interest to this article not because it reflects all advantages of Elena’s Models agency, but it was presented as author’s personal negative experience with Anastasia Date and RussianCupid – Elena’s Models’ main competitors. I am quoting here:

Selection of girls
Ease of use
Anti scammer filtering
Additional Services
Value to customer

Since other bloggers recommend Russian Cupid so much, and state that it is better than Elena’s Models. I have a different opinion, I decided that I would state the facts and prove my point : RussianCupid is infested with scammers and it’s a complete waste of time.

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Money from Americans. How it makes on Elenasmodels.com

Elenasmodels Cooperation.

The agency Elena’s Models announces the official set of regional representatives.

Payment – commission.
Our official representative can be a private person, as well as already existing dating agency.

We are interested in representatives who:

  • understand the Online Dating mechanism and have a positive attitude to marriages with foreigners, like to work with people who have the patience and good communication skills,
  • speak in English at a conversational level (if this is an agency, the staff of employees must be the translator)
  • have a computer (PC), and Internet access,
  • have an office or a presentable “home office”
  • will be able to locally promote our agency (Elena’s Models ) in the media and on the Internet,
  • register interested women on our website (Elena’s Models ) and to provide information and technical support (we will pay for each registered user’s profile)
  • provide information and technical support to women who live in your city / region and registered on the site itself;
  • to deliver gifts and flowers;
  • can professionally organize / coordinate trips, tours for foreigners, may act as a guide,
  • have an idea of visa, booking tickets and accommodation in local hotels,
  • have a good reputation, high work ethic, reliable and punctual.

Continue reading “Money from Americans. How it makes on Elenasmodels.com”

Scam evidences on Anastasia Dating

The name of this article is really provocative however I thought there is a necessity to speak about AnastasiaDate and the policy of this agency which seems to be non-transparent.

Referring to scam issues happened to male members (we won’t give exact names as they’ve suffered a lot already) it should be mentioned that all their investigations lead to ban some women from agency website but not all of them and still refunds have not been proceeded yet. We’ve been told about 500 000 USD each year is a scam income for female members that is why men from abroad feel more than nervous if they keep searching for the agencies to register and sort out the information from the internet.

***Valentina is a professional chatter and dater who funds her fashion habit and child by scamming daters

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Is UaDreams Agency A Scam Alert For You?

Do you check your spam folder regularly? And what about any fraud letters that bother you? Do you believe in sweet letters coming from young single girls from Ukraine? Too many questions I think but let’s speak about that. I imply each part of the chain to be important and should draw your attention.

You know, I receive many specific letters from angry and furious men, ex-members or current members of dating websites and 70% of the whole number hate that swindlers they have been caught by. Almost all of them have been tricked, scammed or hurt by miserable money and heart manipulations. Our technical world gave us less time but more opportunities to be happy and to optimise the rest of the time in a profit of loving each other. But even now people turn these approaches into cruel and rude business: scam. So, guys, our task today is to denote if there is any chances with the next agency I distinguished among others from Ukraine and Russia – Uadreams.

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Proof that many of these women are paid


With the advent of technology (& google) you can now find any picture that is used anywhere on the internet. I spent some time searching for photos on the internet and found some of these women have accounts on VK.com. When I contacted these 3 women on VK.com, they immediately blocked me from their respective pages. These three women have been sending me letters for at least 2 years, sometimes daily. They must be getting paid, otherwise they would have welcomed my contact on VK.com.

Anita Karabut known as MISSweety on Find-Bride
Ksenia Msokaleva known as PassionateKseniya on Find-Bride
Anna Morozovskaya known as Hot_Heart on Find-Bride

Continue reading “Proof that many of these women are paid”

Asian dating cheater

I met first man to number third have same story, after talking on email couple time finally ask me to send him money, what a bustard people ask woman send him money

Joe about AsianDating
“Fake site, Scam site.”

Typical fake site. You sign up, “women” start contacting you (the fat, sweaty guy who owns the site), you check the “Who’s Viewed Me” tab, and find out that no one has even looked at your profile.

Same creep owns all the Cupid sites. The simple use of a reverse-search algorithm shows that the photos are cropped from other sites.

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Сайт обманывает как мужчин так и девушек

Когда мне было 29 тогда решила стать клиенткой сайта.Мой отзыв:за десять лет потраченного на сайте времени мне посчастливилось встретить только хорошего друга.Что он мне поведал о сайте и о мужчинах: что мужчины так глупы,что легко внушаемы и собственного мнение отсутствует напрочь.Диктатура “Еленысмоделз”такова,что нужно писать всем девушкам,и,соответственно,не прекращать оплачивать членство на сайте.При том при всем,что до поступления в педагогический ВУЗ была моделью.Сегодня мне 39 и мы оформляем визу невесты во Флориду с мужчиной,которого нашла на сайтеeharmony.com и еще, мой рост 170 кг при массе тела 58 кг.На момент регистрации в Еленазмоделз знала два иностранных языка : английский и немецкий.Так как училась в лицее иностранных языков.И лично сама никому не рекомендую этот сайт для знакомств- пустая трата времени
Natalia Sorokina

Continue reading “STAY AWAY OF ELENAS MODELS !!”

Anastasiadate Best Russian Dating Scams


Anastasiadate and russianbrides same people, same situation

Let me say that I should have known better. Having said that, here is the deal:

I know there are some women on these sites that are genuine and looking for a man, I also know that many are not. The key is finding out which is which. First, do not trust any profile that will not video chat with you, most of these are not genuine. Second, if the girl will video chat with you, see if she will chat off the sight (Skype or something similar) if not… move on. How do I know? Experience. I met a woman on russianbrides.com. Talked with her in letters for a few weeks. Went to Odessa on business and arranged to meet her. She had no idea who I was, did not know what we had talked about in letters, spoke no English (I speak some Russian but did not tell anyone) even though her profile said she did and she spoke well when we “chatted” on line. Many things were not adding up, what I had been told and what I thought was not what was true. I listened carefully to some of the conversations between her and the “interpreter” and although it was not easy, I started to figure out what was going on.
Finally, I was able to talk to her without our “interpreter”. She admitted she had no control of her profile and never did, she did not even have the password and had been paid for the pictures she took. She was approached the day before my arrival by our “interpreter” (an old friend of hers) and was told that a man wanted to meet her from the site and reluctantly she agreed to meet me.
At that point I re-introduced myself, we talked more and exchanged contact information. Since then have managed to make a wonderful relationship from a horrible start.
I am positive that many of the women you see on these two sites are paid to chat or have been paid by people there to allow their pictures and information to be used. In short, BEWARE and remember, if it seems too good to be true, it is!
I don’t know how complicit the owners of the website are in this situation but I do know that when I wrote, on more than one occasion, to them about this situation I got no reply. Nothing. This would suggest that they either know about it and do not care or know about it and are complicit. Either way, again… BEWARE.

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